Do plastic cutting boards need to be antibacterial


The cutting board is an essential item in our kitchen. However, as a person who often comes in and out of the kitchen, they often worry about choosing a chopping board! Because, before often heard many people say that the chopping board at home is easy to breed bacteria, even if the choice of a good chopping board is not used properly, it will cause bacterial growth.

I have seen a cutting board study before: the above introduction says that on a cutting board, there can be 3 million E. coli and 2 million staphylococcus per square centimeter, especially those streptococcus in seafood. It is very easy to cause intestinal disease and food poisoning. Therefore, after processing food on the plastic cutting board, it should be cleaned in time, otherwise it will cause bacteria to breed.

Among the many bacteria that breed on the chopping board, one of them is called - Aspergillus flavus, this mold is defined by the World Health Organization as a level 1 carcinogen! It is highly toxic and carcinogenic. The conditions for bacteria to grow and multiply on the cutting board are also to have the following conditions, that is, the residual water, temperature, and organic matter on the cutting board. If it is a plastic cutting board, if you want to reduce or eliminate the bacteria on the plastic cutting board, it is necessary to destroy the environment on which the bacteria live from the source. So what can be done?

Plastic cutting boards are mostly made of chemicals such as polyethylene and polypropylene. May not be suitable for cutting greasy food, or it will not be easy to clean. In this way, the plastic cutting board is easy to breed a lot of bacteria.

In this way, the bacteria that grow on the plastic cutting board cause an attack on human health. However, do not worry too much about this problem, now some regular manufacturers of plastic cutting board, will be antibacterial treatment of ordinary plastic cutting board. Make a long-lasting antibacterial plastic cutting board.

In addition, usually pay more attention to cleaning and maintaining hygiene, you can play a strong combined role, so that bacteria have no place to hide, and can contribute to the health of the whole family.

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