Why does the coating with bactericidal preservatives still deteriorate(二)


In summary, the key to avoiding deterioration and odor of water-based coatings is to prevent bacterial contamination and anti-corrosion fungicide failure from production to packaging, storage and transportation. In addition to the selection of anti-corrosion fungicides, the production process of water, equipment cleaning and packaging cleanliness is also very important.

1. Try to avoid coating water with bacteria. In the high temperature season, try to avoid the use of sour and smelly washing water, avoid the use of groundwater, and avoid the use of storage tank water that has been stored for a long time. It is best to use purified water or tap water after disinfection to eliminate the chance of bacteria brought by production water.

2. The production machine should be kept clean. Especially some small factories, sometimes a few days do not produce, washing water is stored in the cylinder, the material in the sand mill is also easy to be infected by bacteria, must be cleaned before production.

3. Try to avoid bacteria in raw materials. The raw materials of water-based coatings should be stored in a dry and clean environment to avoid bacterial infection during storage. In particular, the emulsion should be opened and used now, and the one that can not be used up must be sealed. If cellulose is to be made into pre-gel, it must be used now, and it must not be stored in the high temperature season, otherwise it is very easy to be infected with bacteria. Other water-based additives should also be used on demand, and should be sealed in time.

4. In the production process, the PH regulator must not be mixed with preservatives to avoid the failure of water-based preservatives. When feeding, the two are also added separately as far as possible to reduce the impact on water-based preservatives.

5. In the production process, the temperature in the beating and sanding process should be controlled, and the temperature should not exceed 50℃ as far as possible to avoid the failure of water-based preservatives.

6. The amount of water-based preservatives in the high temperature season should be increased, and it is generally recommended to use some preservatives containing formaldehyde releases.

7. The packaging drum and lid should be kept in a dry and clean environment to reduce the possibility of mildew.

8. Packaging barrels and storage tanks are recommended to be sealed so as not to give bacteria an opportunity.

9. Avoid direct sunlight and high temperature during transportation and storage.

If the paint is infected, the mild should be used as soon as possible; The degree of heavy need to be sterilized, generally with sterilization agent or deodorant after treatment should be used as soon as possible. If it deteriorates, it can only be thrown away.

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