Is the function of mildew prevention and demildew agent the same?


Mildew and demildew agents have different functions. Mildew prevention agent is mainly to prevent or inhibit the growth of mold, mold removal agent is mainly to remove the generated mold spots. In order to make everyone more clearly understand the difference between mildew and demildew agent, mildew manufacturer summarized the difference:

1. The composition of mildew prevention agent and demildew agent is different.

2. The mechanism of action of anti-mildew agent and demildew agent is different. For example, the mechanism of feed anti-mildew agent is mainly in the form of non-electrolytic molecules to destroy microorganisms and bacteria and cell membrane or cell enzymes, so that microbial enzyme proteins lose activity and can not participate in catalysis, thus inhibiting microbial proliferation and the production of toxins. In short, to prevent the proliferation of nystatin metabolism; The action mechanism of demildew agent is mainly to absorb mycotoxin, cooperate with enzyme decomposition, and then remove from the body.

The above is the difference between mildew and demildew agent. Mildew agent manufacturers suggest that prevention should be the main focus in order to better protect the quality of products. If the mold has been produced and then used, the appearance can be removed in the ideal effect, but the quality can not ensure that the mold will be affected by the breeding.

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