Misuses of disinfectants


Disinfectant is almost every household must have a class of cleaning products. However, many people have misconceptions about the use of disinfectants. So, how should disinfectants be used? What misunderstandings need to be avoided in the process of use?

Myth 1: Disinfection is sterilization

The words "disinfection" and "sterilization" are often mixed up in daily life, but in fact they have different meanings. Disinfection is to kill microorganisms, but can not kill spores and other microorganisms in the "dormant state"; Sterilization is the killing of all microorganisms, including spores. That is to say, sterilization requirements are more stringent than disinfection, usually used in the food industry and medical fields, life is difficult to achieve. Therefore, we only need to sterilize and reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms until they do not cause human disease.

Myth 2: The stronger the disinfectant, the better

Disinfectants have certain toxic side effects. Too high concentration will stimulate people's mouth, respiratory tract and lungs. For a long time, organs and tissues may be damaged, making them vulnerable and susceptible to infection. Therefore, the disinfectant should be diluted properly according to the instructions before use.

Myth 3: Wash your underwear with disinfectant

Many people will use disinfectant to soak and clean their underwear, but in fact, disinfectant soak underwear, not only can not completely effectively kill the harmful bacteria remaining on the underwear, but also may cause the residue of chemical substances because of poor cleaning, thus causing various problems and diseases in private parts. In addition, some strong disinfectant has a strong irritation, even after cleaning is very easy to remain. There are also some disinfectants with p-chloro-m-xylphenol as the main raw material, which are easy to form phenol in the process of use due to the insolubility of its bactericidal components in water, which is harmful to health.

Myth 4: Use disinfectant for daily cleaning

Unless there is a clear need to prevent infectious diseases, disinfectants generally do not need to be used frequently, let alone daily.

Myth 5: Spray disinfectant in your home to keep the air fresh

The best way to keep the air fresh in your home is not to sterilize it, but to open Windows and ventilate it. After all, the home is not a hospital, the amount of bacteria is limited, if there is disinfectant water vapor in the air, it will damage the respiratory tract after being inhaled.

In addition, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves and a mask during the use of disinfectant.

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